Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pre-Prison Wonders

There were alot of thoughts and even more so questions that came to mind when reading the material for this blog because I truly do not know what to expect, how I will act, or if I am even going to enjoy my time there...Until then I feel that reading as much material as I can and writing about my thoughts, fears, and questions will help any anxiety or anxiousness I have for Friday.

What are Prisons for?
To me this is a hard questions to ask even though it seems simple; prisons are to contain and help those who have wronged within society. However, have some really wronged society... For example, if a woman is beaten day in and day out or is raped by her mom's boyfriend  (much like in the situation that I read about in one of the extra online readings) is it really a "crime" if she fights back and ends up killing her assaulter? To me that is not a woman that needs to be incarcerated. Then what are these prisons for? To hold those who have done a "crime" when they were temp. insane- then I would conclude that a woman who is suffering from a concerning mental state, should be helped in a mental institution, not a prison.... that question has so many additional questions that goes along with it!

Why are we going to ICIW?
I cannot speak for anyone else in the class, but my goal is to help those who are detained in ICIW- give them hope that when they are out (if they are not lifers) they have a chance for a successful life within society if they can make the right choices. I want to dedicate my time to help those who truly need someone to talk to, someone to lean on, someone to guide them in the right direction.This can impact both us and the women we encounter by gaining knowledge about other experiences, people, lifestyles, etc...Everyone will leave this experience (prisoner or student) with a new view of life- one of which will help with future decisions in situations of all kinds. I do ultimately hope that I am able to touch at least one person enough to impact them in a positivity light so they are able to do "good" when they leave ICIW. In return this is also a good learning experience for me because I am still wondering if this is something that I want to participate in as my career in life or something that I volunteer for.

What do I expect?
I feel as though I cannot answer this question because I have no idea. I have never been to a prison, jail, or even in that kind of environment where guards, police, and detainees are present. Although, I do hope to walk in and be amazed by the environment in a way where there is so much to learn. I also hope to become friendly with inmates and gain their trust so I am able to interact with them on a natural level. I do not want to be scared, I want to be confident in what I am there doing, and I want to enjoy my time there!

Can't wait for Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I definitely think that this is the kind of interaction that goes both ways. I am excited/nervous to meet the women we'll be working with. I wonder if we will be able to gain their trust--I can't imagine trusting anyone after living in an environment like that (or at least in GP 'on the hill.') Were you amazed by the environment? I absolutely was. I still feel uncertain--will be happy to be set up in one regular environment with the same group of women each week. I expected more uniformity throughout the different areas of the prison.
